Manufacture, supply & installation of: Fire Escapes, Stairwells, Staircases, Mezzanine Floors, Walkways/Platforms, Ladders, Fire Escapes, Fire Escape Ladders, Access Ramps, Hoppers/Chutes, Machine Guards, Structural Steel Buildings, Agricultural Buildings & Extensions. Steel beams, Steel Columns, Lintels & Plates.

Manufacture, supply & installation of a range of architectural metalwork, including; balustrades, handrails, balconies, bollards, barriers, street furniture.Bespoke items can also be fabricated to individual requirements.

Working with our automation specialist partners we can supply a range of access control solutions & automated access control solutions. Including automated gates, bollards, barriers, & turnstiles. We can also fit automation to some existing gates & carry out repairs & maitainence.

Mig, Tig and Arc welding services are available in workshop & on site. For Mild Steel, Stainless Steel, & Aluminium